
May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday

Mommy’s First Angel
Mommy’s first little angel, she arrived so innocent and sweet
My how time does fly, for Hannah Brelynn is now the oldest of three
For the longest time it was just mom and her, learning as they go
Such a special bond between the two, it only continues to grow
A big sister to the younger ones, she likes to keep them all in line
She is already playing mommy, long before she’s even nine
A little girl adored, so thoughtful and so smart
She brings a smile to your face, and such warmth to your heart
Sassy and opinionated, a little drama queen being made
A young one full of love, she can brighten just about anyone’s day
Although she hates her hair brushed, going to bed, or not being boss
She’ll still be your best friend always, never leave others with a loss
She fills her time with coloring, playing pretend, or riding her bike
The wonderful insights of this little girl, make us giggle with delight
Whether she’s watching High School Musical, or simply playing with her friends
Her parents just seem to light up, due to all the joy she transcends
She’ll continue to grow, into a beautiful, independent, young woman indeed
She’ll have a strong head on her shoulders, she’ll always take the lead
All the girly things soon to come, sleepovers, dating, and the prom
Yet Hannah will always be that first little angel, at least always to her mom
Written by Lisa Beach 05-14-08
This was written by my sister in law. She has a wonderful talent for poetry. This describes my little girl to the T, and I am so pleased with it. I don't think I could have come up with better words to express how I feel about Hannah growing up and all the things I am proud of. Shes a great daughter and an even better big sister. I have all the hopes and dreams for her as she grows into a beautiful young woman. Thank you Lisa
Happy Birthday Hannah, I love you!


  1. Anonymous5/16/2008

    That is so beautiful!!! Hannah is so beautiful!!! Happy Birthday, Hannah!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Hannah!!! What a pretty poem. It describes her perfectly!!


  3. Hannah is a cute girl - both your girls are adorable! That poem is awesome - I wish I could write like that.
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Anonymous5/19/2008

    Cute child :)
