
September 24, 2008

The zoo

We finally got to the zoo on Saturday. It was a beautiful day and the kids were really good. We headed out early and got there as the zoo was opening. Not many people were out, which surprised me, but I was sure not complaining. Alanna enjoyed every animal, but I think her favorite were the sea turtles They are here new favorite animal of the week right now :). Ben enjoyed the fresh air and was awake for most of the zoo. I was able to capture a smile on the camera..Isn't he sweet?
We showed him all the animals as if he really knew what was going on and Alanna swears the monkeys were his favorite. Hannah had a great time too. She enjoyed running around and I think the ice cream was her favorite. It changes every time you ask her though :) I didn't get to take many pictures being occupied with the kids and just enjoying the family event. But head on over to flickr to check what I do have. There are also some pictures of Ben and Alanna playing outside yesterday.

PS: You see the pictures up on top...Those are my new flickr pictures so anytime you see new pics up there head over and check out the rest.


  1. Precious Ben pic!

    Oh, and I love sea turtles too!!!

  2. That pic of Ben is adorable! He's so happy!

  3. Anonymous9/26/2008

    Yes, he is adorable!! In fact, all of your kids are adorable. Three kids and the zoo?? You're my new hero!
