Yeah! I'm home on a friday. NOOO! Hannah has the flu. So nothing wakes you up faster in the morning than your 5 year old standing over you while you are sleeping gagging and dry heaving telling you she threw up in her bed.
Yup that was my alarm clock this morning.
Here is a pic of Hannah taking her 3rd nap today. Trying to keep Hannah away from Alanna is so hard. Hannah is such an awesome big sister that she wants to help with everything. I feel so bad talling her that for today she has to try to keep her distance from Alanna. Meanwhile Alanna has a doctor appt tomorrow because she has a cough and everytime she coughs she cries really hard. I think she has a sore throat. So yeah me I have 2 sick babies on my hands today. I would rather be at work! Hannah is crying because she is sick and Alanna is crying because her throat hurts. My poor girls.
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