
June 28, 2006

A little about me

Do you remember back in school when the teacher always made you stand up and tell the class about yourself? Well I would always describe myself as quiet and shy at 1st until I get to know a person, fun to be with, and caring. I always care about my friends and always try to do something special for them every now and then. I still talk to my close friends from high school and actually my best friend Sarah I've known since we were like 12 and in the 6th grade.
I do in fact have a mean side, you know make me mad or we have a disagreement and I may be upset for a minute, an hour, a couple days at the most and then I try to get over it and make up. However you screw me over or do something wrong to me on purpose and I become the biggest bitch and I don't get over it. So with that being said....I am a gopher rat that works in a cubicle farm. I have a few "work friends" that I talk to, eat lunch with and of course show pics of the girls to ALL the time. I don't normally like to make friends at work because if things go bad, its uncomfortable. Yet sometimes being at work all those hours you need someone to talk to every now and then. Well today I learned my lesson I learned that one of those "work friends" went behind my back. Shame on me for trusting a "work friend". I don't really feel like going into details about it however come to think she knows about this site....Well I sure hope shes reading this because F*CK YOU Q. You know you were wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself. After thinking about it, I don't think that I will be needing your assistance in planning my wedding anymore (once Chris actually purposes) and you know what, I really don't think that you are ....wedding planner material. (Anyone ever see the movie "Bring It On" when Torrences' boyfriend tells her shes not captain material? I love that movie) Thanks anyways.
*After going back proof reading, the post has a really mean feel about it. I'm sorry I'm not normally this mean, but sometimes its a thing that has to be done.*
Okay I'm done with that, I promise.

Tonight are the Detroit fireworks "freedom festival". I've never went downtown to watch the display because that BIG of crowd is not my thing. Around here we have some really nice fireworks that go on and I'm satisfied with that. I let Hannah stay up to watch them on TV and it is now 10:14 and now I understand why bedtime is 8:30-9:00. The more tired she gets the more chatty she gets. She never shuts her mouth, not even to breath. I am sitting right here next to her as she watches and I type and she says mom, mom, mom, mom this is your favorite song. I look at her and politely say thank you Hannah I did not hear it coming from the TV which has its volume on +200 and the walls are thumping.
I love my kids but I think I love them a little more when they sleep.


  1. Great post Tasha-I love it when a woman gets down and dirty with the honest truth. You go girl. I'm not laughing at you when you are describing Hannah, just laughing with you even though you aren't laughing. I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say that she doesn't ever shut up, not even to breathe. It's like, does this ever end? I wish I could cover your ears so you could peacefully enjoy computer time!! Send her to bed NOW!!

  2. I am soo sorry that chick was a BITCH to you! That is one reason I HATED working with women, they can be sooo catty and rude behind your back!
    I hope things get better at work and are not uncomfy! And aboutt he wedding... If I lived close I would LOVE to help!
