
June 29, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

I thought that I would try something new tonight.

Things I love Thursday Thirteen

Tell me how you like it!

1. I love having the rest of the week off

2. I love having half of next week off even better

3. I love my house after I clean it for 2 hours

4. I love the way Hannah watches me sweat my ass off during cleaning and then goes and gets her toys and scatters them across the living room floor

5. I love the way Chris watches me do the dishes and then decides to eat something involving the clean dishes

6. I love that when I am cleaning the house Chris calls me from the other room to tell me Alanna is hungry, while he is on the computer

7. I love having people come look at my house that may buy it

8. I love hearing compliments about my house from above said person

9. I love hearing my children are adorable from above said person

10. I love oohs and ahhs about my house

11. I love taking both girls shopping and Hannah picks up every toy and asks, "Can I have this?" while Alanna SCREAMS her head off because she dropped her pacifier

12. I LOVE naps

13. Did I mention I love having days off of work?


  1. Anonymous6/30/2006

    Wow, you TT read my mind. I totally agree with everything! Are all families the same??!!??

  2. I love taking naps and days off too. :)

    My list is here.
