Alanna was still not feeling well today, remember
this? Chris took her to the dr's for a visit. Turns out that she has bronchitis and is on the verge of walking pneumonia. What the hell is that all about? Here she just started coughing and I was all like "lets give it a few days and we'll see", and now she bronchitis. Geez its summer time, who would've thought? My poor baby. So anyways she has medicine and hopefully will be better in a couple of days. Hannah was finally ungrounded today. "Proud to be lie free for 5 days" Then go figure she didn't even go to day care to play with all the kids because Chris was home. Well she got to go over grandma's house because Chris had to get some sleep for work tonight. She got to play outside over there so she was a happy girl. She also got to talk to her friend from school, so she was extra happy about that. I had to pry my poor over heated battery dying phone from her hands tonight and have her go to bed at 9:00. Normal bedtime is 8:30. If Hannah doesn't get her 10-12 hours of sleep a night she will be a HUGE crabby patty (sponge Bob-he's so funny!) in the morning.

My little brother came over yesterday to visit with the girls. He is 5 1/2 years younger then me. I swear when Kyle walks in the door the heavens part and angels sing in Hannah's head. Uncle Kyle is her world. Me and Kyle never got a long much when we were younger. As we get older we kinda talk a little more. It worries me sometimes because I really want my girls to be close and they are the same age apart as me and Kyle. Maybe because they're girls they'll be closer? Who knows. All I can do is try to keep them involved with each others lives. We'll see.
**By the way I updated my email account to cheekabeeka(at)gmail(dot)com. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or just want to talk, I LOVE email so write away. I'm pretty nice so don't be afraid Thanks to Zoot for the info about gmail. It rocks. THANKS ZOOT! If you want an invite let me know and I will invite you to join gmail.**
Yikes! Walking pnemonia? Sorry to hear that. I hope she feels better soon.
ReplyDeleteThose are two real cuties you got there! Oh, and your brother's not bad either. he he