
June 21, 2006

Yay me~

*Alanna woke up with a really barky cough this morning. I mentioned it to day care and she said that her daughters have allergies and have been doing to same thing. So I let it go and decided that I would not worry about it to much. So tonight when we got home and she was coughing quite a bit I decide to give her some cough medicine. I laid her on her back and gave it to her. She made a really awful face and then up came everything she ate tonight, which was just some peas and a bottle, but hey that was enough. I really hope that she just didn't like the cough medicine and gagged herself and does not have the flu. I don't think that I would be able to handle this or this again.

*Chris casually mentioned that I should maybe start looking at some rings that fit on a certain left handed finger. He said to find a few in the style that I like to show him and then he will "maybe" look into buying one. I asked him if this meant he was going to purpose to me soon? He said that if he told me then it would not be a surprise. I didn't realize how much I loved him and that I really wanted to be married until Alanna was born. I'll keep you posted.

*Southeast Michigan had a rumble of storms past through here tonight. The tornado sirens were going off and I was still on my way home from work. The lightening was soaring through the sky so bright that I had to squint. It brought back memories of me being in labor with Alanna. I was in the hospital on the delivery bed PUSHING and the tornado sirens were going off because a tornado touched down about 10 miles away. All the nurses were running around yelling code black or some color like that. It was crazy. I told the Dr that she could push Lana back in to keep her safe but that didn't work. This was in the middle of November. If you know anything about November in Michigan...its snow season not tornado season. Then to make it even better 2 days later when I left the hospital it was snowing. Tornado one day and snow the next. Thats Michigan for you.
The rain has stopped but the lightening is still going. It could be really pretty if it wasn't so dangerous.

*Hannah lost anothere tooth. She was so proud. She has been working on this tooth for sometime now. Hannah had another slight problem with lying again this week. Actually it was like 8 lies she had a problem with. She actually flipped a little girl off at daycare. When daycare asked why, Hannah said it was a mistake. Daycare said it takes a lot to put up the middle finger. Hannah replied with it was a hard mistake. So much for telling her that mistakes are okay to make sometimes. Yup what a great idea I had to point out that I make mistakes sometimes and if she makes a mistake she will not be punished. I think I have my hands full with this little girl.


  1. Oh my gosh...the middle finger? Okay, so she's grounded, right?? Whatever her punishment, I'm sure you did a wonderful mommy job. Congrats on the conversation you had with Chris. I'm anxiously waiting for the news that I know you are anxiously waiting to happen!

  2. Anonymous6/25/2006

    Don'tcha hate it when they're so smart? I have two like that...

  3. A post all about fingers LOL
    I really hope he pops the question soon.... I always love surprises, but when it is somehting that wonderul and HUGE.. it is sooo hard to not be the slightest bit curious!!!
