*Hannah started tumble class today. Its a 6 week class on Tuesdays. The awesome part, its suppose to be a class of 5 or 6 girls...Hannah is the only one signed up. Private lessons for a class rate. How great is that?! She loved it. But I have to say that last winter Hannah was in tap and she loved it her 1st day too. Then they started talking recital and she wanted to quit. I never pressured Hannah to do anything. She decided she wanted to start dance so I let her. I told her though that if she quits tumble no more classes. She wants to go through tumble so she can get into cheerleading. Thats her thing. I never was a cheerleader in school. I always secretly wanted to, but I never did it. Anyways the dance studio is great. Its owned by a mom and her 2 girls are always there and it seems like all the moms are nice too. The women swooned over Alanna which of course is okay by me because she is the most gorgeous 8 month old around for miles :) Alanna on the other hand wasn't too fond of the interruption of her nightly schedule. We usually get home and play and then bath, bottle and I rock her to sleep. Well tonight it was pick up from daycare, rush to dance, sit on my lap for an hour, a bottle, falling asleep in the car only to be woke up when we got home and then cried before I rocked her to sleep. Poor, Poor baby girl had a rough night tonight. But they are both sound asleep before 9:00 pm and I am hear informing you al of the hectic night I had.
*So I know you all must be wondering what happened with the offer. We ACCEPTED. I am officially moving out in 30 read that yes 30 days I will be in my new BIGGGGGGGG house. I am just a little excited so please deal with me. Now I don't want to sound as if I am bragging that the house is BIG. Its not that big, its spacious. But if you see the dinky house I am living in now with Chris and 2 kids, my god I'm surprised we don't have toys on the roof. We are packed in this house and its time to move on. Hey this was my 1st home on my own. I am very fond of this house, but still ready to move on.
*I haven't moved much in my life. I moved when I was 4 then again when I was 17. I moved out on my own when I was 20 to this house. I am excited, but I think it will be an emotional move. Leaving my 1st house that I made a home for Hannah and I is kinda opening a new chapter in my life with my family. Me and Chris are actually buying this house together. That means we are stuck with each other for life. Not that Alanna had anything to do with that or the planning of a wedding. No it was the purchase of a house together. Ahh kinda scary. I guess I'm lucky I like him right? (hehehahaha)
*I will keep you posted on the nightmare of packing with 2 kids, still working and trying to be quiet while Chris is sleeping because he is still working the dreaded midnight shift. At least I have 30 days. But what do I start packing today. Its not like I can pack the dishes or clothes. Maybe I can pack some winter clothes and toys Hannah doesn't play with. I'm actually a procrastinator. You know I leave things to the last minute, and then curse and swear that I should of did it the month before. Thats probably what I will do now and in 30 days I will be dreading the move.
*Still no news on my ring. Chris keeps telling me that its coming soon. I was content a month ago and then he had to mention, "hey lets get married" and thats all I can think about. My birthday is coming up, maybe he will get a bout of romance and propose on my birthday. I won't hold my breath, but a girl sure can dream.
I feel like this today!
ReplyDeleteALso, about Hannah and the recitals... yeah I was like that too, but my mom forced me to dance (tap) and I busted my ass on the stage... that is why I did not pursue dancing!!! (well except when I drink, I am the BEST EVER!)
Ok, sister... you sound like me with this ring thing... the second you give up asking him for hints about WHEN?? you will get it!
I HATE moving,.. you are a brave soul to move with 2 kiddos!!! If I were you... I would get some REALLY cheap small laundry baskets (like from the dollar store) and let the girls help :)
Wish I lived closer..moving stuff is a GREAT workout!
Dang I was a blabberin' huh?!