
April 10, 2007


Always a day late, I know. Easter was fun. I hosted Easter at our house this year and it was my first holiday. Usually the duties fall on my mom, but I figured since she is moving to Florida I better suck it up and start being the hostess from now on. It was nice. She started me out slow and brought some food over and I prepared it. Nothing big, Ham, oven roasted potatoes, salad, green bean casserole and rolls, and a bunny cake. The family came over and we had a really great time. Alanna really enjouyed staying home and took on the role of an entertainer. I have video (if my step sister ever sends it). It will be my 1st video on this site, so hopefully she sends it soon. All in all I would love to play hostess and take over when my mom leaves.


  1. Can't wait to see the video!! The site I used to load the one I did yesterday was EASY and free!! You'll have to check it out!

  2. Me too, I can't wait to see the video! And when you are good and married and things settle down, you will have to come over and show me how to be the hostess, cause I need MAJOR help in that category!
