
April 9, 2007

Guess she's not ready

Conversation Hannah and I had in the car Friday afternoon.

H: Mom is the easter bunny a bunny or someone dressed up..(points out the window at a phony easter bunny advertising for a car wash and yells) LOOOOOK MOOOOOM the EASTER BUNNY, I knew it was someone dressed up. Who dresses in the bunny costume?

Me: Ummm, maybe Santa. Maybe he likes to have 2 holidays

H: (thinks a minute) No I don't think its Santa, who else?

Me: Ummm maybe the Tooth Fairy.

H: (thinks some more) No not the tooth fairy, maybe the neighbor.

Me: Um, not sure about the neighbor, but are you ready for the truth?

H: Yeah, whats that?

Me: There really is no easter bunny, its just a made up creature that forces moms and dads to but unreasonable priced gifts and candy for their children that really don't need nothing more...

H: (looks at me for a reall long time, quietly...then tears form in the corner of her innocent eyes)

Me: SIKE, JUST KIDDING, I AM A LOSER MOM AND I WAS JUST PULLING YOUR LEG! You silly girl you actually thought I was for real...of course there is an Easter Bunny and no one could ever take that away! (stupid, stupid, stupid)

H: MOM THATS NOT FUNNY, you are so mean...I am not talking to you for 10 whole mintues

How long you think she would not talk if I told her about Santa?


  1. Ooops! ha! Did she really last 10 whole minutes? Nice recover by the way!

  2. You are too much:) Way to pull it off!!

  3. Oh! Kids are so trusting! I told my oldest kids the truth from the time they were really young, so they never had to have a rude awakening (about Santa and the Easter Bunny), but I found it took a lot of the magic out of the holiday so I did it differently with my youngest boy and probably will with Pineapple. My son is 8 and still believes!
