
May 23, 2007

Alanna has been blowing me away lately. Where has the time gone. My little baby is now 18 months old and amazes me everyday. Monday night after I came home and cleaned up the mess, I sat on the floor to play.
Alanna crawled in my lap and began playing patty cake. She grabbed my hands and wanted me to do it with her.
We played patty cake for awhile and then I started to ask her her body parts. She can point to her hair, ear, nose, mouth, tongue, eyes, belly, toes, and feet.
I asked her her animal sounds. She knows cow, pig, sheep, dog, cat, monkey, elephant, tiger/lion and bird.
Everyday it seems like she learns a new word. Right now she can say mama, dada, Hannah(or some form of it), sissy, dog, kitty, milk, more, bye, yes, Elmo (momo), grandma (GrrrMA), bite, eat, and bed....and she understands everything else we tell her.
My little girl is growing up.


  1. Aaawwwwww. Every picture you post of her shows her a little bit older. She IS growing so fast. Too bad they don't stay little and sweet longer:)

  2. That was such a sweet age for my niece - my favorite is their pudgy legs! :-)

  3. They grow up way too fast! I love that you are spending time documenting their childhood.

    I found your post and thought I’d reach out to say hello and ask if you’d like to receive a free Maya & Miguel DVD. If you’d like to receive the DVD just email me at Kerri at boldmouth.com with your address and I’ll have it shipped it out to you.

    I don’t know if you’re familiar with Maya & Miguel, a show on PBS in the afternoons -- http://pbskidsgo.org/mayaandmiguel -- that emphasizes cultural diversity and language learning but I’m reaching out to talk to parents about the program as part of a marketing project I’m working on with Scholastic.

    If you do choose to blog about Maya & Miguel show or episodes on the DVD, please make it clear how you received the information. Our goal is to be open and honest with everyone we reach.

    Kerri Roberts, BoldMouth
