When I was asked to do a review for this lotion called gloves in a bottle, I was really excited. All the other lotions I have tried do not stay on washing after washing and I find myself constantly reapplying lotions and it can be a hassle at times. Gloves in a bottle goes on smooth and you can feel the moisture rubbing into your skin. The amazing thing is, that my hands still feel soft and full of moisture after several washings. In the week or 2 that I have been using this product, my hands have went from dry and flaky to smooth and glowing. They are soft.
How does it work? Well, the outer layer of your skin consists of dead skin cells - it's a protective layer designed to protect the delicate living cells of the deeper layers of skin. This layer of skin needs to stay moisturized to protect the deeper layers of skin. In order to keep the moisture (water) from leaving the outer layer of skin, the skin produces natural oils. These oils also help keep irritants away from the deeper layers of skin. Regular washing with soap or exposure to chemicals can remove these natural oils.Hand and skin lotions only replace natural oils with artificial ones. These offer temporary relief that does little to heal the skin. Regular use of lotions can actually cause the skin to produce less natural oils. Gloves In A Bottle is a shielding lotion – it bonds with the outer layer of your skin and helps lock in your natural oils and moisture

Great review - I'll check it out. Love the diagrams - this teacher gives you an A+ for the visuals - ha! Have a good weekend!