
June 5, 2008

Big sister/Little sister

Tomorrow will be Hannah's last day of school. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. School is not bad for Hannah, she actually really enjoys it. But I am burnt out on homework packets, lunch money and library books for the year. Having Hannah home for the summer and me actually being able to be home for part of the summer will be a nice treat for all of us. I know its hard on babysitters and family with having the girls all day everyday, I on the other hand enjoy it. I know I should because I am mom, but I do enjoy the girls being together and playing. Its the memories worth keeping.

Last weekend Hannah got a dose of what it really will be like this summer with a little sister who is mobile and vocal. Hannah was across the street at a friends house and Alanna wanted to play with her sister, so Alanna sat at the sidewalk and screamed over to Hannah until she came home to see what she wanted. It was frustrating for Hannah but funny for me to watch them both. Alanna was so adamant at getting her sister to come home she tried some very funny things. Screaming, singing, playing, and jumping. It was quite the sight. Hannah finally convinced her friends to come home t play for a little while so Alanna could play...I wasn't hard though, Alanna has won the hearts of all the neighborhood kids.


  1. Your girls are precious and I love your stories!! I didn't put 2 and 2 together until now that you would get to be home some during summer break - awesome!!

  2. I didnt even think about it.. i totally forgot myself till like friday night.. I cant tell you the project.. well you know about the one with the safari animals wood thingys from walmart but theres another thing going on I have to get working on sometime soon.. lol

  3. Anonymous6/05/2008

    All of my life I've wished I had a sister. These girls have no idea how lucky they are!

  4. Ahhhhh, so cute!!! I got to see a little of that first hand last weekend:)
