
August 18, 2011

A lesson in friendship and greatfulness

Things are slowly starting to feel normal around here again.  I know I haven't talked much about it, but Chris was laid off in January and just recently in July got a job.  It was a rough 6 months, but we are slowly beginning to stick are heads out from under water.

We used up all our savings, and plus some.  Let me tell you, you really learn what friends and family are when you almost lose everything you worked so hard for.  These past few months have taught me a great deal about friendship and who is meant to be in our lives and who isn't.

What I want to come out of all this is a lesson to the kids about wants and needs.
The kids can sit there all day and say they want things, but learning what you want and what you need is a hard lesson.  I hope this helps them see how fortunate we are to have so many people around us who care.  And as they get older I hope they choose the people that will have lasting friendships.

I sure hope these faces tell how grateful we are to be on our way, catching up on bills, paying off debt and being able to support ourselves again! 

For those who have helped us along the way (and you know who you are) I want to give a special {{Thank you}} and {{HUGs to you}}  We couldn't have done it without you and God will bless you as you have us.

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