
April 25, 2008

hair today, could be gone tomorrow

I've been letting my hair grow for the last couple of years and the last time it was cut was before my wedding almost exactly 1 year ago today. It is in some desperate need of TLC. I'm not sure if I want to continue with the long hair, get it trimmed or cut shorter. So I turn to you...What do you think should be done with my hair? here is a recent picture of my hair...its really long.


  1. I like longer hair rather than short, short. I had a friend who cut her hair recently that was as long as yours and donated it to Locks of Love for cancer patients. I thought that was cool, but if I were you, I vote for just a trim! :-)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous4/26/2008

    Your hair is so pretty! Still, I'd be tempted to cut it seeing that you are a three-time mommy and sure to be busy, busy, busy. I would love to wear my hair short, but I haven't found the nerve to cut it yet. Go for whatever is easiest for you -- you'll be beautiful either way!!

  3. I had my hair long and I decided to cut it. BIG MISTAKE! I tell you, it gives you the freedom of not doing much with it, but because you and I have round faces, short hair doesnt really look good :(
    But do something before deciding: go to a website where they have different hair styles and put your picture in there. Then check the picture and decide which one you like and go for it!
    You're beautiful Tasha, so no matter what you do with your hair, you'll still be beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  4. I vote for long...but I'm a long hair natzi, so I will always say long hair is the best!!! You look gorgeous with the long hair Tasha!!
