
August 15, 2008

Lunch Bunch playdate

Yesterday I did something that before Ben was born I may never have done. Well for starters I left the house with all 3 kids and didn't forget anything. Second it was a planned activity that I thought would be fun for the kids. The lactation department held this "Lunch Bunch" for moms and kids and each month they have a different topic they discuss. Yesterday the topic was carseat safety and 2 county police officers came and provided great information. Alanna got to play with some kids her own age while Ben slept in his carseat and Hannah sat next to me. After the playdate the police officers took the kids out to see the cars and lights. One officer pulled out his bullet prrof vest and guns and let the kids look at them too. The police helicopter was in the area and so they radioed him to come over to the parking lot where we were and he hovered over head really close to us..It was so neat. He was so close down you could see his face and the color of his clothes. Hannah really enjoyed that.

In the end I am so excited we went. I was nervous to go to a new place with new people that I was not familar with, but I figured what the hell, its not really about me anymore its about the kids and getting them involved with activities and nopt having my fears rub off on them.


  1. I LOVE this new design! So easy to see on my phone!!!
    I'm also happy to see how beautiful your baby is! Congrats again and again!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I am like that too - I get nervous if I know I am not going to know anyone at an event or something. I feel uncomfortable and usually avoid the situation. You should be proud of yourself - that wasn't easy. It sounds fun too!

  3. I'm like that too. But it's great that you did it anyway and feel good about it!
