
January 20, 2007

Back from heaven

So I have returned from my long trip to heaven and have landed safely on the ground. The cake testing was so much fun today. All the flavors were so yummy. In front is the cherry chip, on the right is banana nut, and behind is the peanut butter. We decided on a 4 tier round cake. It will have yellow ribbon around the base of each layer, then it will have some swirls on the cake sides and the cake topper will be some flowers that match the bouquets. It will look similar to this . It will be perfect. The bottom layer will be marble with bavarian cream filling, the next up will be peanut butter with chocolate fudge. The next will be marble again and then our top will be peanut butter again. Did I tell you how GOOD the peanut butter was? OMG it is possibly the best cake I have EVER tasted. It tastes just like a reeces peanut butter cup. Its not too sweet either so you can actually eat a whole piece of cake. Chris and I were is awe of this flavor. We even talked the next people into getting it too, because they heard us raving over it. My brother told me that they wanted to do a new flavor and one of the employees came up with the peanut butter, so my brother put together a recipe and voila, peanut butter cake with chocolate fudge filling....YUM! You can check out the rest of the pics from today at the bakery here. Caution there are pictures that will make you a) hungry b)drool c) gain 10lbs d) all the above


  1. That looks and sounds SO yummo!! I think I'm gonna have to go get me some dessert after reading about that. That is OK, cause I haven't had my daily ice cream yet, so I'll just have that.

    Your cake sounds like it will be GORGEOUS!! And yummy too. :)

  2. Anonymous1/20/2007

    YUMMMM!!! That DID make my hungry AND want dessert....and I don't really have anything good here!! DARN!

    You're cake sounds amazing....how exciting!!


  4. Oh my god, I am so jealous. How much would I love, love, love to have a Reese's peanut butter cup cake?!

  5. There is going to be a "delicious" wedding...

  6. Anonymous1/23/2007

    Oh yum!
