
January 10, 2008

going to the chapel

A really good friend of mine is getting married soon, in like 3 months. You may know her. Shes starting to get a little nervous, and the other morning it really hit her shes getting married. SHES gonna be someones wife :) I tried telling her to calm down but today's post has her eating, breathing and even exercising wedding..LOL. Shes afraid everyone will get tried of hearing about wedding stuff, like I am afraid of you getting tired of hearing about baby stuff...Stop by and let her know shes not alone in fantasising about wedding stuff, because every woman dreams about her wedding and being the princess we all know we are. Hmmm, I think someone we know just got married a couple of months ago....LOL. Her posts are stating to look like my posts did a year ago. LOL. Anyways shes a great person and I love her blog and I could never get tired of talking wedding...I could still do it all day long. So Lindz, if you need any tips, or ideas, throw them my way!


  1. HA! I know you are talking about! She can talk wedding and you can talk baby all you want! I've got baby on the brain lately, so your posts are keeping me grounded! LOL!

  2. Tasha you are so sweet AND funny!!! I have a million questions for you!!!!! You are like a tour guide through this whole planning process!
