
July 31, 2008

Well its been almost a week since my little boy was born and wow what a week it has been. It seems like it has been months since he was born but the pain in my stomach reminds me of the short 6 days that have passed. I try to take at least 1 or maybe 20 pictures a day to remember this time because when I look at Alanna I realize how fast this time will go by. Heres a few pics of Ben and the girls...However use EXTREME caution, for my kids are some really cute kids that just might cause some massive "I want to hug and kiss you and never let gos"


  1. Precious! Those girls of yours look SO happy!! They sure "ham it up" for the camera! :-)
    Ben is adorable!!!

  2. Oh Tasha that profile pic of Ben looks just like you!!!! Hope things are going well with your sister in town....love ya!!

  3. they're all so precious!
    he's just TOO CUTE!
    and yup... they grow so fast!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. ik, I'm gonna sound like a resounding gong here, but he is too cute! Give some loving for me!
